Providing safe and reliable products for our customers.
What we do
Always looking ahead.
The Process
We only choose Italian tomatoes.
Quality Control
We work in full compliance with regulations for consumer safety.
IMCA’s business policy aims to improve product quality levels and enviromental protection by preventing pollution, raising the quality of the production plant and ensuring the personal safety and health of the work force, the customers and local population. Company Management has entrusted the Quality and Enviroment department with the task of analysing, implementing and maintaining HACCP hygiene standards, the latest versions BRC, IFS technical standard, together with a Quality and Enviromental Control system comliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standards, including Organic, Kosher and Halal. IMCA, moreover, studies all the documentation provided by its suppliers of tomatoes to ensure that the produce comes from agricultural concerns that apply integrated control strategies.
Social responsibility
Have Your Say
IMCA SpA has adopted a procedure for reporting an unlawful act or omission that constitutes or may constitute a violation of laws and regulations, the values and principles established in the Ethical Code of IMCA SpA. If you want to raise serious matters you don’t feel confortable with, please use our line of reports “Have Your Say”.
Our service is available to any internal and/or external Stakeholder.
IMCA, moreover, does not tolerate threats or retaliation against the reporter and guarantees absolute confidentiality and a prompt response.